Как часто бывает мочеиспускание при цистите

Олеся Гончарова



Любимые мои женщины, давайте не будем прятать свои проблемы под подушку! Ну, кто из нас не сталкивался с неприятным ощущением жжения и частым мочеиспусканием при цистите? Да-да, именно тот самый дерьмовый цистит, который посещает нас в самые неожиданные моменты и портит жизнь на несколько дней.

Но не будем паниковать, девочки! В этой статье я расскажу вам о том, как уменьшить количество мочеиспусканий при цистите и не дать ему испортить настроение и планы на день.

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Просмотров: 961
Автор: Администратор
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Смотри как я вылечила цистит- КАК ЧАСТО БЫВАЕТ МОЧЕИСПУСКАНИЕ ПРИ ЦИСТИТЕ. Смотри что делать

[Cystitis and Urination: How Often Does it Happen?]

Cystitis is a common urinary tract infection that affects millions of people worldwide. This condition can cause a range of uncomfortable symptoms, including pain and frequent urination. Many individuals who experience cystitis wonder how often they will need to urinate during an episode. In this article, we will explore the frequency of urination during cystitis, as well as other relevant factors.

What is Cystitis?

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder that occurs when bacteria enter the urinary tract.This can cause a range of uncomfortable symptoms, including pain during urination, pressure in the lower abdomen, and a frequent urge to urinate. Cystitis is more common in women than in men due to the shorter length of the female urethra, which makes it easier for bacteria to enter the bladder.

How Often Does Urination Occur during Cystitis?

During an episode of cystitis, you may find yourself needing to urinate more frequently than usual. This is because the bladder is inflamed and irritated, causing it to feel fuller more quickly.The frequency of urination during cystitis can vary from person to person, but some individuals may need to urinate every 10-15 minutes .This can be particularly disruptive to daily life and can make it difficult to perform regular activities.

Other Factors that Affect Urination during Cystitis

In addition to bladder inflammation, other factors can affect how often you need to urinate during cystitis. For example, drinking large amounts of fluids can increase the frequency of urination. Additionally, consuming alcohol or caffeine can irritate the bladder and cause you to urinate more frequently.It is important to avoid these substances if you are experiencing symptoms of cystitis.

How to Manage Urination during Cystitis

If you are experiencing frequent urination during a cystitis episode, there are several strategies that can help you manage your symptoms. First, try to drink plenty of water to help flush out bacteria from the urinary tract. You should also avoid irritants like alcohol and caffeine, as these can exacerbate symptoms. Finally, consider taking over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen to alleviate discomfort and inflammation.

When to Seek Medical Attention

While cystitis is usually a minor infection that can be managed with home remedies, it is important to seek medical attention if your symptoms persist or worsen .This may indicate a more serious infection or a complication of cystitis, such as a kidney infection. If you experience fever, chills, or severe pain, seek medical attention immediately.


Cystitis is a common urinary tract infection that can cause frequent urination, among other symptoms. During an episode of cystitis, you may need to urinate every 10-15 minutes. However, other factors like fluid intake and irritants can affect urination frequency. If you are experiencing symptoms of cystitis, try home remedies like drinking water and avoiding irritants. If your symptoms persist or worsen, seek medical attention.

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